Happy Customers and Employees drive Enterprise growth!

graph showing enterprises growth with happy customers and employees

getCREDIBLE helps enterprises acquire and retain Employees & Customers

talent managementTalent Management

Acquire the right talent based on
  • Regular reviews from colleagues
  • Consistency in performance over time
  • Their validated milestones
slate profile of a user on getCREDIBLE platform

cypress automation framework
Retain talent by
  • Objective rating from continuous feedback from colleagues
  • Early indicators of your top performers and the ones that need improvement
  • Adopt Performance driven culture using unbiased democratized feedback
Integrate with your Corporate HRMS

customer management Customer management

graph showing the increase in the new customers by showcasing your professional crediblity
Acquire new Customers by showcasing your Credibility
  • Projects delivered successfully using continuous feedback
  • Stakeholders who have provided feedback for references

Retain Customers
  • Identify issues earlier using continuous feedback from customers
  • Identify root cause for issue (skills or people issue)
  • Continuous customer engagement at various levels to improve customer satisfaction
getCREDIBLE prod launch shakeout
Integrate with your Corporate CRM

Customer and Employee insights using Gen AI



Profile Pic

HR Manager

Which employees need training and on what skills?
Bill needs communication, Lisa on marketing and Tom on soft skills based on feedback shared by their colleagues
Profile Pic


Ask questions to get detailed insights on your employees

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